Suicide at Sileby

An inquest was held at Sileby, on the 18th inst., before J. GREGORY, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Abraham STIRK, a bricklayer, aged 46. – William WIDDOWSON said deceased had married his (witness’s) sister. Deceased left home nine o’clock on Thursday morning, and not having returned either that day or during the might, Friday morning he went with his brother in search of him. In a hovel occupied by Mr. POTTER, about a mile from the village of Sileby, they found deceased hanging by a piece of rope, one end of which was tied and fixed to a beam which goes across the hovel, and the other end round his neck. There was a rail near to where he hung, upon which he believed deceased got to tie himself up. They cut the rope and found he was dead and stiff. Deceased used to go to the hovel to shoot wood pigeons. He had been in a low way of late. – Patrick DOWNEY, surgeon, of Sileby, said that the deceased came to him about a fortnight ago and complained of being unwell and a loss of appetite, which he attributed to working in the frame, the weather having been unfit for bricklaying.
He advised him to get out-soor work, and gave him some medicine. On Sunday last he came again, he appeared much better, and witness saw him at work.
on Tuesday and Wednesday , At Cossington. He examined the dead body of the deceased on Friday. There were marks of a rope round his neck, and the tongue protruded, and other evidences of him having died from strangulation by hanging. – Verdict “Insanity”.

Leicester Journal – Friday 22 February 1867
Page 8


Inquest before J. Gregory, Eqs. Suicide at Sileby

On Monday an inquest was held at Sileby, before J. Gregory, Eqs., coroner, upon Abraham Stirk, deceased. – William Widdowson said deceased, who was his brother-in-law, was a bricklayer, and 46 years old. In consequence of deceased having left his home on Thursday morning and not returning that day or during the night, he and his brother Arthur Widdowson went in search of him on Friday morning. In a hovel about a mile from the village, in the occupation of Mr. Porter, they found the deceased hanging by a piece of rope, one end or which was tied and fixed to a beam. He appeared to have stood on a rail to tie himself up. He was quite dead. He often used to go to the hovel, and sometimes to shoot wood pigeons. Deceased had been in a low way of late, but he thought it would wear off. – William Stirk, deceased’s son, said he left the house on Thursday morning, saying he was going for a walk, but did not mention where he was going. His father had seemed very low for the last few weeks, and had had medicine from Mr. Downey. He had bought some property lately, and thought he had given too much money for it, and that, he believed, preyed on his mind a good deal. – Verdict, “Insanity”.
Leicester Guardian – Saturday 23 February 2867