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Newspaper Articles2021-04-05T09:27:36+00:00

Dangerous Man Sentenced – Used Gelignite to Open Safe

Illustrated Police News 14 March 1929 Page 8 DANGEROUS MAN SENTENCED. USED GELIGNITE TO OPEN SAFE. A Man who blew open a safe with gelignite, and at whose home 11 lb, of explosives and thirty detonators were stated to have been found, appeared at Leeds Assizes in the person of Fred Stirk, forty-two, a joiner, who was sent to three years' penal servitude for breaking and entering the warehouse of a gramophone company at Bramley near Leeds, and stealing £45 18s. 9d. and other property. Counsel stated that Stirk blew open the safe, twelve windows of the warehouse being blown [...]

By |July 9, 2023|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments

A Brighouse Drowning Case – A Good Friday Tragedy

Brighouse News Friday 20 April 1906 On Sunday last the dead body of John Wm. Stirk (42), foreman gas stoker at the Mill-lane works, belonging to the Corporation, was found in the river Calder, at a point near Messrs. H. and J. Sugden's cotton mill, not too far away from the gasworks. Stirk had been missing since the previous Friday evening, when it is supposed that in walking along the towing path on his way home - he lived at the Birds Royd gasworks - he accidentally stumbled, fell into the river and drowned. About twenty minutes past ten o-clock [...]

By |July 9, 2023|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments

Obituary: John Weston STIRKS 1969

Staffordshire Evening Sentinel - Saturday, May 3rd 1969 Column 7 - Death Notices STIRKS. - At rest on April 30th, at 13, Spa-st., Cobridge, John Weston Stirks. aged 86 years. the beloved husband of the late Hannah Stirks. Service in the Bourne Methodist Church, Sneyd Green, on Monday at 3:15 p.m. followed by cremation at Carmountside Crematorium. Will relatives please accept this intimation. Friends are kindly incited to meet at the church. Co-operative Funeral Services, Nile-st., Burslem. Tel: 88724. Notice Number 106.

By |June 11, 2023|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments

Suicide at Sileby 18th February 1867

Suicide at Sileby An inquest was held at Sileby, on the 18th inst., before J. GREGORY, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Abraham STIRK, a bricklayer, aged 46. - William WIDDOWSON said deceased had married his (witness's) sister. Deceased left home nine o'clock on Thursday morning, and not having returned either that day or during the might, Friday morning he went with his brother in search of him. In a hovel occupied by Mr. POTTER, about a mile from the village of Sileby, they found deceased hanging by a piece of rope, one end of which was tied and fixed [...]

By |October 21, 2021|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments

Revolting Case of Neglect and Cruelty

Shocking Disclosures A Case in which public indignation has been aroused, and which was described as about the worst and most disgraceful that had ever been before the Barnardcastle magistrates, was on Wednesday investigated at the Courthouse in that town, where John STIRK, of Cockfield, a man forty or fifty years of age, was brought up in custody and charged "for that, on the 27th May, at Cockfield, then being the parent of James STIRK, aged eight years, and John STIRK, aged six years, and such children then being in his custody, unlawfully and wilfully did neglect to provide [...]

By |April 5, 2021|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments

Car Hits Telegraph Pole

Two Injured in Crash on Great North Road Two men were seriously injured when a car crashed into a telegraph pole on the Great North Road at Leeming Bar Yesterday. The Injured men are James HARTLEY, of the Staindrop Filling Station, near Barnard Castle, who lies in Rutson Hospital, Northallerton suffering from head injuries, and Leslie STIRK, hairdresser, Front Street, Cockfield, Co. Durham, who, after having been medically attended at Northallerton, was able to go home. The men were passengers in the car, which was driven by J. STIRK, of West End, Staindrop. Leeds Mercury 11th September 1934. [...]

By |April 5, 2021|Categories: Newspaper Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Death of Mr Thomas Stirk

One of Skipton's oldest townsmen. Mr. Thomas STIRK, of 42, Otley Street, died yesterday aged 90.A native of Cawder, on the outskirts of the town, he was as a young man a coachman to Mr. John Robinson, of Ravenshaw, Carleton, and later served in a similar capacity over a long period of years for Colonel George Robinson, of Dyneley House and Overdale, and for Mr. A. W. Stansfield. Raikes Road. He retired at the age of 78.Mr. STIRK was a member of the Travellers' Friend Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, joining in the early days of the [...]

By |April 1, 2021|Categories: Newspaper Articles|0 Comments
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