On the eighteenth day of April 1864
the Will of Cornelius STIRK late of Otley in the
County of York, Shopkeeper,
deceased, who died on the thirtieth day of July 1863,
at Otley aforesaid
was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s Court of Probate
at Wakefield by the Oaths of
John STIRK of Hunslet in the parish of Leeds in
the said County, Yeoman, the Son of the said
deceased and Nathaniel DAWSON of Otley
aforesaid, Malster, the surviving
Executors therein named they having been sworn duly administer.
Effects under £160
Extracted by G. B. Siddall, Solicitor, Otley.

This is the last Will and Testament of
me Cornelius STIRK of Otley in the County of York
Shopkeeper I give and devise the dwelling house wherein I
reside with its appurtenances and also my four other
dwelling houses in Gay Lane in Otley aforesaid and all other
my real Estate unto my wife Elizabeth STIRK and her
assigns during her life and from and immediately after her
decease I give and devise my said dwelling houses and real
Estate unto my Son John STIRK and Nathaniel DAWSON of
Otley aforesaid Maltster their heirs and assigns upon
trust that they the said John STIRK and Nathaniel DAWSON on
the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor
hereinafter called my trustees or trustee shall sell and absolutely
dispose of all my same real Estate either by public auction or
private contract and either together or in parcels for the best
price or prices that can reasonably be obtained for the same
hereby giving full power to my said trustees or trustee to buy
in the premises ?? such auction or to rescind any contract
for sale of the premises by private contract and afterwards to
resell the premises by public auction or private contract without
being answerable for any loss occasioned by such postponed sale
and also to sign pass and execute all contracts surrenders
and assurances that may be necessary for selling surrendering
and assuring the premises to any purchaser or purchasers I
thereof and I declare that the receipt or receipts of my said
trustees or trustee shall effectually discharge the purchaser
or purchasers of my said real Estate and of every part thereof
and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not after
taking such receipt or receipts be answerable or accountable
for the purchase money which in such receipt or receipts
shall be acknowledged or expressed to be received nor found
to see to the application or answerable for the misapplication or
non-application thereof And I declare and direct that my said trustees or trustee shall stand possessed of the monies so to arise by sale
of my said real Estate upon the trusts hereinafter expressed I

declare and direct that my said Wife and her assigns
during her life shall out of the rents and profits of such
part of my said real estate as is now in mortgage pay
and discharge the interest to ?? and become due in
respect of such Mortgage and in case the principal money
so secure shall be called in then out of the said rents and
profits to pay the expenses of any transfer or transfers of the
Mortgage And I declare and direct that my said trustees or
trustee shall stand possessed of the money to arise by Sale
of my said real Estate hereinbefore directed to be sold upon
the death of my said Wife upon trust to pay the principal
money and interest secured by Mortgage as hereinbefore
mentioned And upon further to pay all the residue of the
money so to arise as aforesaid unto and amongst all my
children living at the time of the deceased of my said wife
and the issue of any of my children who may be then dead
leaving issue which issue may have obtained or shall live
to attain the age of twenty one years in equal shows such
issue taking the share or shares only that their respective
parents if living would have been entitled to and in equal
shares if more than one And in case there shall be ?????
such child or the issue of but one child Then upon trust for
such one child or for such only issue in manner aforesaid
I direct that my said trustees or trustee shall not be
answerable for any involuntary losses in the execution of the
trusts hereby reposed in them or him and that they and he
may reimburse themselves and himself out of the said trust
premises all necessary costs and expenses incurred by them or
him in the execution and performance of the trusts of this
my Will or any of them or anywise in relation thereto I give
all my household furniture and articles of household stock
in trade and all other my personal Estate unto my said
Wife absolutely subject to the payment of my debts except
the said Mortgage debt and funeral expenses I appoint my
said Wife and my said Son and the said Nathaniel DAWSON

Executees and Executors of this my Will and hereby revoke
all former Wills In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed
my ???? this twentieth day of March one thousand eight
hundred and fifty eight Cornelius STIRK Signed
and declared by the above named Testator Cornelius STIRK as
and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other
have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses Geo. B.
Siddall, Isabella Siddall
10 Folios.
In Her Majestys Court of Probate
Wakefield District Registry
On the 18th day of April 1864 the Will of Cornelius STIRK
late of Otley in the County of Yorks, Shopkeeper deceased
was proved by the Oaths of John STIRK the Son of the
said deceased and Nathaniel DAWSON the surviving
Executors named in the said Will they having been first
sworn duty to administer
Effects under £100
Probate extracted by
G. B. Siddall
Solictor, Otley